| Read Time: 4 minutes | Sexual Assault

Why Are Most Sexual Assault Cases Not Reported?

Our attorneys focus on holding institutions responsible for allowing abuse to occur. We typically do not handle matters involving abuse by a personal acquaintance, family member, or other individual outside of an organization. During the 2021-2022 legislative session, the California Assembly and Senate approved the Sexual Abuse and Cover Up Accountability Act. The Act expands the time for sexual...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Blog

Sexual Abuse Cover Up

Our attorneys focus on holding institutions responsible for allowing abuse to occur. We typically do not handle matters involving abuse by a personal acquaintance, family member, or other individual outside of an organization. In the early 2000s, hundreds of survivors brought lawsuits against the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for its responsibility in enabling childhood sexual assault. These suits forced...

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Signs of Sexual Abuse in Toddlers 

Our attorneys focus on holding institutions responsible for allowing abuse to occur. We typically do not handle matters involving abuse by a personal acquaintance, family member, or other individual outside of an organization. As the parent or guardian of a toddler, there is nothing you would not do to keep your child safe. Toddlers present a unique challenge because...

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Signs of Sexual Abuse in Teenagers

Our attorneys focus on holding institutions responsible for allowing abuse to occur. We typically do not handle matters involving abuse by a personal acquaintance, family member, or other individual outside of an organization. Parents of teenagers already have enough to be worried about without the threat of their teenager being sexually abused. For that matter, teenagers also have a...

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Signs of Sexual Abuse in Adults 

Our attorneys focus on holding institutions responsible for allowing abuse to occur. We typically do not handle matters involving abuse by a personal acquaintance, family member, or other individual outside of an organization. Sexual abuse is traumatic at any age. Survivors of childhood sexual abuse are faced with many emotional and psychological challenges as they age, whether or not...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Blog

Signs of Sexual Predator Grooming

Our attorneys focus on holding institutions responsible for allowing abuse to occur. We typically do not handle matters involving abuse by a personal acquaintance, family member, or other individual outside of an organization. You may be wondering, What is sexual grooming? Put simply, sexual grooming is when predators exploit and manipulate normal societal expectations of adult-child relationships to get...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Blog

How SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) Can Support Survivors and Their Families

The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) is one option for childhood sexual abuse survivors to get help. Children who were abused by an authority figure often do not fully understand the gravity of the abuse until adulthood. By acknowledging this reality, SNAP acts as a resource to connect adults with others having similar experiences. The group...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Blog

What Constitutes Sexual Harassment at Work in California?

The short answer for what constitutes sexual harassment at work in California is any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal, physical, or visual conduct of a sexual nature when: You may feel defeated and alone after you experience sexual harassment in the workplace. At Boucher LLP, our experienced attorneys are here to help you feel...

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| Read Time: 3 minutes | Blog

What Is the Statute of Limitations on Priest Sexual Abuse in California?

Our attorneys focus on holding institutions responsible for allowing abuse to occur. We typically do not handle matters involving abuse by a personal acquaintance, family member, or other individual outside of an organization. Childhood sexual abuse can leave survivors with a lifetime of shame and fear, especially when the abuser was someone they trusted. At Boucher LLP, we recognize...

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| Read Time: 4 minutes | Blog

California Sexual Assault Laws for Survivors

If you are a victim of sexual assault or need help understanding the sexual assault laws in California, reach out to the attorneys at Boucher LLP today. Our attorneys focus on holding institutions responsible for allowing abuse to occur. We typically do not handle matters involving abuse by a personal acquaintance, family member, or other individual outside of an...

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